Rebbeck Brothers – Coronavirus (Covid19)
As one of our valued residents living in a block managed by Rebbeck Brothers, we are writing to you to let you know about the procedures we are putting in place during the Coronavirus (COVID19) outbreak. These measures are to help us ensure that both you, the hard working contractors we use and our dedicated staff remain safe and that we are able to continue to provide our management service over the coming week and months. We are also monitoring and acting on the advice provided by Public Health England and would encourage you to do so as well.
- We have measures in place to enable our staff to work from home if necessary – this includes our property managers as well as our accounts team. For the time being staff will remain working from the office – if this changes then we will let you know. However, we will still be able to access all of our systems and continue to work as normal.
- If you visit our office, please ensure that you use the hand sanitiser provided or wash your hands on entering and before leaving the building. In accordance with good hygiene, we will not shake your hand – please don’t be offended.
- Where we have arranged an AGM or other meeting, please liaise with your property manager to check whether it is still going ahead and any specific arrangements. If it is and you feel unwell, or are concerned in any way, please do not attend – you may be able to attend via a phone link and will of course receive the written minutes. We will continue to monitor Government guidance for meetings.
- If any contractors feel unwell we have asked them not to visit our office or attend the blocks we manage – if so, we will make alternative arrangements for something we have instructed them to do and if appropriate let residents know.
- When working at any of our blocks we have asked contractors to wash their hands before entering and leaving and to follow all the Government guidance in terms of good hygiene. If they are going into a flat, they should check with the occupant that they are well before entering and reassure them that they are not unwell either. If you have any concerns about contractors working at your block please call the office and we will help.
- If you become unwell at any stage, or have come into contact with a high risk person and under Government guidelines have quarantined yourself – please let us know in order that we can take any necessary action (such as deep cleaning) and where appropriate advise other residents.
- We have asked cleaning services, to ensure that they are using appropriate cleaning products to sanitise surfaces, including high risk areas such as door handles, door plates, lift controls, intercom panels and any areas where people touch. If we have to increase the frequency of cleaning we will let you know.
For more information and the latest advice go to
Together we can help prevent the spread of the virus and we thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.